Nintendo Switch

Hike review for Nintendo Switch

Take a hike...away from this awful game.

4 years ago

Zotrix Starglider review for Nintendo Switch

How do you screw up a shmup?

4 years ago

Legends of Ethernal review for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One

Dull, forgettable and mediocre is a terrible combination.

4 years ago

Vera Blanc: Ghost In The Castle review for PS4, Switch, Xbox One

A murder-mystery that makes Scooby-Doo look like the height of sophistication.

4 years ago

Family Vacation: California review for Nintendo Switch, PC

Family Vacation: California is a hidden object game. Proceed accordingly.

4 years ago

Mighty Goose review for PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch

This titled goose game isn?t too bad.

4 years ago

Astrologaster review for Nintendo Switch, PC

Choral music, priest holes, and a bit of the ol? strumpy-humpy.

4 years ago

Jurassic World Evolution: Complete Edition review for Nintendo Switch

Welcome to Jurassic your pocket.

4 years ago

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