
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens review for PS4, Xbox One, Wii U

There has been a LEGO awakening...and it was worth the wait!

9 years ago

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven review for PS4, PS3

The Insane world of Jotaro Kujo and crew hits the PS4 in a unique, yet slightly flawed way.

9 years ago

The Technomancer review for PS4, Xbox One

More like Mass Affront.

9 years ago

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness review for PS4

The 5th Star Ocean game from Tri-Ace and Square Enix features some improvements over Star Ocean 4, but not enough…

9 years ago

Grand Kingdom review for PS Vita, PS4

Grand Kingdom is a fantastic, original experience.

9 years ago

Mighty No 9 review for PS4

"One Mighty Dud..."

9 years ago

Civilization Revolution 2 Plus review for PS Vita

Conquer the world, one bus stop at a time.

9 years ago

Crazy Strike Bowling EX review for PS4

Bowling aficionados, rejoice. No one else should, though.

9 years ago

The Park review for Xbox One, PS4, PC

Not worth a visit.

9 years ago

Neverending Nightmares review for PS Vita, PS4

A neverending nightmare indeed.

9 years ago

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