
FullBlast review for PS Vita, PS4, Xbox One, Switch

A by-the-numbers shmup.

6 years ago

LEGO DC Super-Villains review for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One

I'm the Music Meister, and I'm here to settle the score!

6 years ago

NBA Live 19 review for PS4, Xbox One

Great effort, good (but not great) result.

6 years ago

Diablo III: Eternal Collection review for Nintendo Switch

Diablo III finally arrives on the Switch with an excellent port for demon slaying on the go.

6 years ago

Soulcalibur VI review for PS4, Xbox One

Soulcalibur VI continues the series' long history of being one of the most unique and satisfying fighters out there.

6 years ago

Shenmue I & II review for PS4, PC, Xbox One

Shenmue is back in action! Shenmue for all!

6 years ago

Red Dead Redemption 2 review for Xbox One, PS4

Bigger and better than better than its predecessor, Red Dead Redemption II is one of the most impressive achievements of…

6 years ago

Valkyria Chronicles review for Nintendo Switch

Sega brings more strategy-based goodness to the Switch.

6 years ago

Pinball FX3 Williams Pinball Vol. 1 review for PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC

Digital Williams pinball tables return as the license moves over to Pinball FX3.

6 years ago

Dark Souls: Remastered review for Nintendo Switch

Prepare to Die! Except maybe not for all the reasons you'd expect.

6 years ago

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