
Spyro Reignited Trilogy review for PS4, Xbox One

The Spyro Reignited Trilogy manages to recapture the magic of the original games and present them in an entirely new…

6 years ago

Hitman 2 review for Xbox One, PS4, PC

Ever wanted to beat someone to death with a blueberry muffin? Here?s your chance!

6 years ago

D?racin? review for PlayStation VR

A short, but sweet VR adventure that leaves a lasting impression.

6 years ago

Tetris Effect review for PS4, PSVR

Tetris + Lumines = A lot of great music, visuals, and block dropping gameplay.

6 years ago

Go Vacation review for Nintendo Switch

A Wii bit dated.

6 years ago

Heavy Fire: Red Shadow review for PS4, PSVR, Xbox One

An "arcade style" shooter that unfortunately doesn't work on any level.

6 years ago

Sigi – A Fart for Melusina review for PS Vita, PS4, Xbox One, Switch

Don?t let the flatulence jokes fool you: Sigi wants to kill you, again and again and again.

6 years ago

Anamorphine review for PS4, PC

Anamorphine is what happens when you cross the kernel of a good idea with terrible execution.

6 years ago

Marvel’s Spider-Man: The Heist review for PS4

Have you had your fill of the Webhead? I certainly have not.

6 years ago

Hover review for PS4, Xbox One

The dream of the '90s is alive in Hover.

6 years ago

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