Xbox One

DOOM gets bloody new game details, media, spring 2016 release

It's been way too long since we've last seen or heard much from Bethesda and id Software's DOOM reboot.

10 years ago

Dishonored 2 E3 2015 screens, trailer, game details

Along with a definitive remastered release of the original Dishonored, Bethesda and Arkane blew the lid off of the upcoming…

10 years ago

Fallout 4 E3 2015 media, game details, release date

Bethesda's big E3 2015 Showcase took place last night, and one of the titles that most fans are excited about…

10 years ago

Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition coming to PS4, Xbox One this winter

Darksiders 2 is officially coming back from the dead thanks to Nordic Games.

10 years ago

Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 3 “Catch a Ride” launching June 23rd

Get caught up with the 3rd episode in Telltale's Borderlands series very soon. New screens and episode details.

10 years ago

Call of Duty: Black Ops III confirmed for PS3, Xbox 360

Yes, we sorta, kinda expected an announcement like this would rear its ugly head at one point or another, so…

10 years ago

EA and DICE reveal Mirror’s Edge Catalyst

In advance of the E3 which is kicking off next week, EA and DICE have officially revealed the title of…

10 years ago

Capcom reveals Mega Man Legacy Collection, E3 2015 lineup

The E3 has yet to begin, and already Capcom is revealing unannounced games -- or at least an unannounced collection…

10 years ago

Mighty No. 9 looks mighty fine in this 60FPS gameplay trailer

Comcept and Deep Silver have released a mighty fine looking 60fps gameplay trailer for Mighty No. 9.

10 years ago

Fallout 4 announced for PS4, Xbox One, PC

Here it is Fallout fans, Fallout 4 has officially been revealed. First media, box art and details.

10 years ago

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