Xbox One

Resident Evil 4, 5 and 6 shambling onto PS4, Xbox One beginning next month

Enhanced versions of a few recent Resident Evil titles will be making their way onto the PS4 and Xbox One…

9 years ago

The Walking Dead: Michonne “In Too Deep” launch trailer gets into the mind of the samurai survivor

The very first episode of Telltale Games' The Walking Dead: Michonne miniseries is set to hit most digital services tomorrow,…

9 years ago

Far Cry Primal’s new trailer shows us how Ubi is “Bringing the Stone Age to Life”

On the eve of the release of Far Cry Primal, Ubisoft is keen on keeping the prehistoric hype train rolling.

9 years ago

OlliOlli2, Not a Hero definitively rolling onto Xbox One later this year

Roll7's latest indie digital titles, OlliOlli2 and Not a Hero, are finally headed to the Xbox One thanks to a…

9 years ago

Take a tour of Tom Clancy’s The Division open beta in the latest trailer

A visual tour of the upcoming open beta for Ubi's Tom Clancy's The Division.

9 years ago

First Fallout 4 DLC drops next month, season pass price getting bumped up

You want Fallout 4 add-ons? You got' em... starting in March.

9 years ago

Xbox One Quantum Break bundle coming next month, see the new trailer

If you haven't picked up an Xbox One and perhaps were looking forward to Quantum Break, then Microsoft may have…

9 years ago

The Walking Dead: Michonne “In Too Deep” to debut February 23rd

Telltale Games has revealed that the first episode of their The Walking Dead: Michonne mini-series will kick off a bit…

9 years ago

Rocket League blasts onto Xbox One next week

Psyonix's well-deserved hit is scheduled to launch for the Xbox One on February 17th.

9 years ago

Metal Gear Online DLC campaign, game update scheduled for March

Konami is still fully committed to the Metal Gear Online experience, and today the company revealed details for their upcoming…

9 years ago

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