Get a good look at the new Strand Exotic armor and weapons coming in the next big Destiny 2 expansion.
Get ready to explore Hawaii in Ubisoft's official action driving sequel to The Crew.
Don?t go racing chickens until you?ve avenged your murdered benefactor!
Given how often he reps the game you?d think Kenny Omega would get the shoulder tap for this gig.
I also would not be opposed to a prequel game featuring Stan & Mitch either?just saying.
I wonder who will be the four other cameos?
Those shoulder whiskers?are something.
Please don?t fire the children out of the cannon?again
If Grand Bruise Legends features climbing a mountain to grab a crown, I think Mediatonic might need to make some…
Were you expecting the tired ?WWE 2K23 has no cover athlete? bit, because it?s John Cena? Sorry to disappoint.
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