Destiny: The Taken King’s “King’s Fall” raid goes live September 18th

Finally an official answer to "When the hell do we get the new raid?".

10 years ago

Megadimension Neptunia? VII confirmed for early 2016 PS4 release

Pfft... who needs another last-gen Hyperdimension Neptunia release when the next generation of titles is almost ready to go... even…

10 years ago

Star Wars: Battlefront beta coming this October

The beta will land in October on Xbox One, PS4, and PC via Origin.

10 years ago

Nuk3town map pre-order incentive for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

The popular Black Ops multiplayer map returns as a pre-order / Day One bonus.

10 years ago

Bungie details Destiny: The Taken King’s weekly event tweaks, endgame activities

Even more info about the new endgame activities and all the effort Bungie has put into reconfiguring and refining weekly…

10 years ago

Call of Duty: Black Ops III Multiplayer PS4 beta destroys records

Activision this afternoon announced that the Call of Duty: Black Ops III Multiplayer PS4 beta has officially been crowned the…

10 years ago

Minecraft: Story Mode to feature selectable player character

New screens, game details and PAX Prime plans for Telltale's episodic Minecraft spin off.

10 years ago

A look at LEGO Dimensions’ The Simpsons, Midway Arcade levels

More details and a ton of gameplay screens for a pair of new levels included in LEGO Dimensions.

10 years ago

Sony reveals PlayStation PAX Prime 2015 lineup, activities

SCEA apparently has no shortage of PlayStation games to display and activities planned for this weekend's packed PAX Prime event.

10 years ago

Square Enix shares a destructive new Just Cause 3 dev diary

Prior to their planned Just Cause 3 PAX Prime panel, Square Enix and Avalanche Studios have a creatively destructive new…

10 years ago

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