Several years after the release of the original The Division, the franchise shows no sign of slowing down. Details, media,…
Learning can be fun at the Akademiya Extravaganza!
HoYoverse's stylish, free-to-play space fantasy/sci-fi RPG has a release date and new media.
The 5 time All-Star graces the cover of the beloved, authentic game.
My first 10 pull and I got A-Tier Poison?guess I?m in this for the long haul!
This train?s not gonna leave without you! Actually it will, but I?m sure you can get on at a later…
Is there a reason why they?re using the logo from 2 games ago?
Do I really have enough time for another gacha RPG?well it?s from HoYoverse, so probably!
Get a look at all the enhancements and fun new things slated to hit Genshin Impact next week.
I don?t know why they?re fighting but I?m dying to see more.
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