
Batman: Arkham Knight gameplay footage shows off Batmobile combat, Fear Takedown

The first in a new trio of gameplay videos gives us a better look at Batmobile combat, a brand new…

10 years ago

Bungie releases official Destiny Expansion I: The Dark Below Prologue video

Following up on the leak of the Destiny Expansion I Prologue video.... comes the official Destiny Expansion I: The Dark…

10 years ago

Geometry Wars 3 has pre-order bonuses

Pre-orders get an additional stage on the Sony and Microsoft side of the fence, along with an additional console exclusive…

10 years ago

Destiny Expansion adds a new ride

Check out the new Tumbler Sparrow coming soon to Expansion buyers, complete with tricks.

10 years ago

Atlus unboxes Persona Q in this new video

Expect lots of Persona themed goodies packed into the Standard and Premium Editions of Persona Q for 3DS.

10 years ago

LEGO Batman 3 has a Season Pass trailer

The Dark Knight, Batman's 75th Anniversary, and the Man of Steel are just some of the DLC packs featured in…

10 years ago

Dragon Age: Inquisition gets a launch trailer

Nobody expects this Dragon Age: Inquisition launch trailer! No, wait, everyone expected one of these.

10 years ago

Bloodborne delayed to March 24th, 2015

Thanks in part to the game's closed Alpha test, the developers want to spend a little bit more time with…

10 years ago

Just Cause 3 coming to PS4, Xbox One, PC next year

As rumored, Square Enix and Avalanche Studios have officially announced Just Cause 3 for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.

10 years ago

Telltale Games’ Game of Thrones: Episode 1 – Iron from Ice premiering “soon”

And with a mighty tweet, Telltale Games has kicked off the hype train for their upcoming episodic Game of Thrones…

10 years ago

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