
The Last Guardian coming to PS4 in 2016 (really!)

It's really happening... The Last Guardian is finally, really coming. Check out the new gameplay trailer and more.

10 years ago

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst launches on February 23rd, 2016

We've been waiting for the Mirror's Edge reboot for quite some time, so we're super excited that it finally has…

10 years ago

Unravel spins a gorgeous puzzle platforming adventure for consoles, PC

EA is teaming up with development studio Coldwood for Unravel, a rather magical looking new puzzle platformer in development for…

10 years ago

Need for Speed racing onto PS4, Xbox One, PC on November 3rd

New E3 media, game details and a release date for EA and Ghost Games' NFS reboot.

10 years ago

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 sprouting up for spring 2016

Check out the first media and game details for PopCap's fun looking third person shooter sequel.

10 years ago

EA and BioWare announce Mass Effect Andromeda

EA kicked off their E3 2015 press conference with the announcement of a brand new Mass Effect title by the…

10 years ago

Xbox One Elite Controller launching in October for $149.99

Microsoft shows off their ultra slick, modular Xbox One Elite Controller for the Xbox One and Windows 10.

10 years ago

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain E3 2015 trailer is live

One event to always look forward to from any E3, is the release of the latest and greatest Metal Gear…

10 years ago

Xbox E3 2015 Media Briefing wrap-up

Xbox 360 backwards compatibility, Gears 4, Rise of the Tomb Raider, RARE"s new MMO pirate game and so much more.…

10 years ago

DOOM gets bloody new game details, media, spring 2016 release

It's been way too long since we've last seen or heard much from Bethesda and id Software's DOOM reboot.

10 years ago

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