Nintendo 3DS Previews

Alien: Rogue Incursion’s story trailer drops us onto LV-354 Purdan ahead of next month’s PS VR2, PC VR release

Get into the story and check out a slice of gameplay with the latest media drop from Survios.

4 months ago

Yoshi’s Crafted World, Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn launching March 2019

Find out when you can get your hands on the pair of adorable, colorful new platformer releases for the Nintendo…

6 years ago

Pok?mon Crystal coming to the Nintendo 3DS on January 26th, 2018

The classic Game Boy Color Pok?mon title from 2000 is finally coming to the 3DS family.

7 years ago

Go Mantine surfing in the latest Pok?mon Ultra Sun/Moon trailer

Finally, new info and media for this fall's big Nintendo 3DS Pok?mon release.

8 years ago

Nintendo shows off an impressive upcoming lineup of Switch and 3DS software

There's a healthy selection of new software headed to both Nintendo platforms over the next few months, including Project Octopath…

8 years ago

Nintendo reveals new ARMS, Splatoon 2 updates, SNES Classic Edition feature and more

Nintendo makes some pre-gamescom 2017 announcements and shares some livestream details for the upcoming event coverage.

8 years ago

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney enters the Nintendo 3DS courtroom in November

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney is officially headed to the Nintendo 3DS this fall.

8 years ago

Nintendo updates their 2017/2018 Nintendo 3DS release schedule

Wanna know when the next wave of big Nintendo 3DS releases are coming? Well you're in luck!

8 years ago

Pokk?n DX Tournament for Switch, Pok?mon Ultra Sun/Moon for 3DS revealed

Depending on what you expectations were going into this Pok?mon Nintendo Direct, you may be super excited or somewhat let…

8 years ago

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is getting 5 DLC packs

The upcoming Nintendo 3DS RPG is scheduled to get a ton of new content already.

8 years ago

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