
Sony reveals full game lineup for PlayStation Classic

And here it is, the full lineup of 20 classic PlayStation titles that will be pre-installed on Sony's upcoming PlayStation…

6 years ago

PlayStation Store Update – The Quiet Man, Super Pixel Racers, Chronus Arc, Nekopara

Boy are there some interesting looking and sounding titles due to hit the PS4, PSVR and PS Vita this week.

6 years ago

Xbox Games Store Update – Red Dead Redemption 2, Flashback, Midnight Deluxe

We kinda feel bad for any digital or retail release not called Red Dead Redemption 2 this week. Check 'em out.

6 years ago

ARK: Survival Evolved set to stomp onto the Nintendo Switch on November 30th

Studio Wildcard's best-selling dino-themed survival adventure is releasing on the Nintendo Switch in the very near future. Check out the…

6 years ago

Nintendo eShop Update – My Hero One’s Justice, LEGO Harry Potter Collection, Deployment

The flood of new releases on the Nintendo eShop is reaching ludacris levels at this point. This week's selection includes…

6 years ago

God of War drops to $39; see the amusing “Midgard Mishaps” blooper reel

Pick up the wacky adventures of Kratos Dad and his Boi at a discount from now on. ALso, take a…

6 years ago

Spyro Reignited Trilogy launch trailer is looking hot

An early launch trailer showing off the gorgeous remastered Spyro releases in all their glory.

6 years ago

PlayStation Store Update – Red Dead Redemption 2, Castlevania Requiem, Neverout

There's a little ol' game known as Red Dead Redemption 2 moseying its way onto the PS Store later this…

6 years ago

Xbox Games Store Update – Soulcalibur VI, Heavy Fire: Red Shadow, Crayola Scoot, NBA 2K Playgrounds 2

There's several pretty diverse titles populating the Xbox Games Store this week. Check 'em out!

6 years ago

Days Gone for the PS4 slips to April 2019

Sony Bend Studio's unique new take on the zombie survival genre has been pushed to a later release date once…

6 years ago

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