Updates to Pok?mon Scarlet/Violet and other existing Pok?mon games, a new TV show and the return of Pok?mon Sleep.
The Brown mound is a pile of Sh..oh!
My first 10 pull and I got A-Tier Poison?guess I?m in this for the long haul!
That?s one less board game I need to keep on my shelf!
I?m all for another AKI style wrestling game.
Eyes up Guardians! The latest and greatest Destiny 2 expansion has officially dropped.
Wake up Babe! Elden Ring expansion news just dropped.
It?s been too long since I've played a game with the androgynous Haku in it.
Why did I think this was a game about the monkey king?
So wait?this isn?t just a Rollback Netcode beta?
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