Kid Icarus returns after two decades of missing in action. Does Pit and company succeed, or fly a little too…
Ridge Racer returns in an unexpected way, and with a whole lot of changes up it's sleeve. This might not…
Ninja Gaiden 3 disappoints nearly as much as it changes gears, into a bland but functional action game devoid of…
Lots and lots of screenshots, and more news on the upcoming console versions of The Pinball Arcade for XBLA, PSN,…
Warriors Orochi 3 amps up the Musou action for both the Dynasty and Samurai Warriors rosters. This exceptional update to…
Operation Raccoon City doesn't do the Resident Evil franchise any favors, find out what doesn't make this team based shooter…
Armored Core V picks up where Chromehounds left off, delivering a solid team based, tactical mech fighting game that'll satisfy…
Yakuza returns to the Playstation 3, this time with zombies, and a poorly realized third person shooting element that's best…
Naruto returns to consoles courtesy of Cyberconnect2, with another entry in the awesome Ninja Storm series. Generations refines what made…
Devil Survivor's first sequel hits the DS, marking one of the last "real" games to hit Nintendo's aging piece of…
You got your Tekken in my Street Fighter! The first part of the Namco / Capcom team-up hits the Xbox…
Ninja Gaiden comes to the Vita in this port of the PS3 port of the original Xbox game. Sound confusing?…
QTE's have never been so fun! Asura's Wrath bridges the gap between anime and video games in a way that…
This port of Rayman Origins on PS Vita is nothing short of excellent. If you missed out on the home…
Blasting robots apart piece by piece is almost an art form in SEGA's newest shooter, Binary Domain. Can the Yakuza…
Make your fingers dance along with multiple hits from Michael Jackson, while CG renditions of popular music video's play in…
Plants vs. Zombies arrives on PSN for the PlayStation Vita, and is quite possibly the best port of the game…
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