Madden NFL 16 predicts Carolina Panthers as Super Bowl 50 champs

9 years ago

According to this years Madden NFL Super Bowl prediction, the Carolina Panthers are going to be crowned Super Bowl 50…

Lego Marvel’s Avengers review for PS4, Xbox One, Wii U

9 years ago

Loki, Hydra, Ultron and many other Marvel villains are plotting global domination. Time to hero up!

Square Enix hosting an Uncovered: Final Fantasy XV fan event in March

9 years ago

Square Enix is throwing a lot of effort behind what they are billing as the "Ultimate Final Fantasy XV" event…

Far Cry Primal preview for PS4

9 years ago

...first-person melee, serious caveman storylines, animal friends, bug-eyed hallucinating shamans telling you to talk to glowing owls...

Bungie’s President steps down, new CEO appointed

9 years ago

Welp, all may not be going well in Bungie-land after all.

Norn9: Var Commons review for PS Vita

9 years ago

Will Norn9: Var Commons make any more sense than it's name? Read our review to find out!

The Replacer Returns in the new Call of Duty: Black Ops III ? Awakening trailer

9 years ago

Activision today released a bombastic, action-packed new trailer for the Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Awakening DLC pack.

Ubisoft details post-launch, season pass plans for The Division

9 years ago

It's about that time... Ubisoft has revealed "early details" on how they expect to support Tom Clancy's The Division after…

Insomniac Games reveals metroidvania-style Song of the Deep

9 years ago

Insomniac Games this morning finally provided us with a look at their original new multiplatform action-adventure project.

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