Tom Clancy’s The Division free “Conflict” update drops on May 24th

9 years ago

A new Incursion, all new gear sets, weapons, loot, and missions, along with balances, tweaks and game enhancements are rolling…

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 exploding onto PS4, Xbox One, PC this year

9 years ago

The Dragon Ball Xenoverse sequel is officially in development and headed to North America sometime in 2016.

Shadow of the Beast review for PS4

9 years ago

A semi-legendary '80s game gets a modern-day revival. Was it worth updating, or should it have stayed in the past?

PvZ Garden Warfare 2 gets free major content update this summer

9 years ago

Trouble in Zombopolis will include a massive new map, a ton of new unlockable customization items, a couple of new…

Microsoft to release nearly 1 million abandoned Xbox Gamertags on Wednesday

9 years ago

Microsoft will be releasing nearly 1 million formerly used original Xbox tags into the wild this week.

Risk of Rain review for PS Vita, PS4

9 years ago

The PC hit arrives on PlayStation. Does it pass muster?

Square Enix reveals Final Fantasy Brave Exvius for iOS, Android

9 years ago

The first Final Fantasy title designed specifically for mobile devices will be coming to North America this summer.

Yo-kai Watch 2 coming to Nintendo 3DS this September

9 years ago

It's about time that Nintendo announced a sequel to the popular Nintendo 3DS JRPG.

Listen to CHVRCHES’ Mirror’s Edge Catalyst “Warning Call” track

9 years ago

The popular Scottish electronic group is apparently lending their audio talents to EA and DICE's Mirror's Edge Catalyst.

Stranger of Sword City review for PS Vita, Xbox One

9 years ago

How much dungeon crawling is too much? Your answer to that question will determine whether Stranger of Sword City is…

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