The latest Shin Megami Tensei RPG will be headed to North America in the hopefully not too distant future.
All the mutants are gone and it's not Kang's doing.
Hey there wannabe Destiny Guardians, Bungie and Activision have a little pre-holiday treat for gamers coming up soon.
There's a good racing game in Need for Speed: Payback, but chances are you'll have a tough time finding it.
The PlayStation VR was invented for games like this!
Give thanks Gran Turismo fans, because Polyphony Digital is gearing up to release some nice new GT Sport game updates.
Once a game ahead of its time, L.A. Noire now feels right at home.
How badly do you want to gamify karaoke? Your answer will determine whether SingStar Celebration is right for you.
The DB FighterZ roster gets a few new/familiar faces. Check out new screens and a trailer within.
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