Metagal review for PS Vita, PS4, Xbox One, Switch

6 years ago

If Mega Man didn't exist, Metagal probably wouldn?t either.

Minecraft Earth revealed

6 years ago

Microsoft and Mojang are hard at work on an augmented reality Minecraft mobile game. Check out the reveal and sign…

Xbox Games Store Update – Molecats, Steel Rats, Devious Dungeon 2, RAGE 2

6 years ago

From retro console and arcade re-releases, to modern open world shooters, there's plenty to check out this week.

Darkwood review for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

6 years ago

A pretty good reminder of why you shouldn't open your door if you don't know who is knocking.

Mega Man: The Wily Wars, Street Fighter II’, Ghouls ‘n Ghosts join the SEGA Genesis Mini roster

6 years ago

Capcom is contributing a couple of more games to SEGA's retro mini console. There's also a 6-button controller option to…

SNK 40th Anniversary Collection review for Xbox One, PS4, Switch

6 years ago

Experience the true history of one of the most beloved game companies with this fantastic classic arcade collection!

Nintendo eShop Update – Resident Evil 4, Team Sonic Racing, Assassin’s Creed III, Chicken Rider

6 years ago

This week's Nintendo eShop selection is literally all over the map. Check out the latest and greatest digital releases within.

Super Mario Maker 2 Nintendo Direct reveals tons of info, discounted bundles

6 years ago

Everything but the kitchen sink! (So far)

Where the Bees Make Honey review for PS4, Xbox One

6 years ago

A frustrating, broken disaster of a game that fails on every level imaginable.

Shakedown: Hawaii review for PS4, PS Vita, Switch

6 years ago

PS4 and PS Vita cross-play in 2019... this title was clearly worth the wait.

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