If Mega Man didn't exist, Metagal probably wouldn?t either.
Microsoft and Mojang are hard at work on an augmented reality Minecraft mobile game. Check out the reveal and sign…
From retro console and arcade re-releases, to modern open world shooters, there's plenty to check out this week.
A pretty good reminder of why you shouldn't open your door if you don't know who is knocking.
Capcom is contributing a couple of more games to SEGA's retro mini console. There's also a 6-button controller option to…
Experience the true history of one of the most beloved game companies with this fantastic classic arcade collection!
This week's Nintendo eShop selection is literally all over the map. Check out the latest and greatest digital releases within.
Everything but the kitchen sink! (So far)
A frustrating, broken disaster of a game that fails on every level imaginable.
PS4 and PS Vita cross-play in 2019... this title was clearly worth the wait.
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