Birushana: Rising Flower of Genpei review for Nintendo Switch

2 years ago

Is there anything more romantic than 12th century Japanese civil wars? Birushana certainly doesn?t think so.

Everyone loves Persona 5 Royal as Atlus releases a new accolades trailer!

2 years ago

Wherever the Phantom Thieves goes, praise and roses follows!

What are Karakuri? Find out in the first episode of Wild Hearts’ Monogatari series

2 years ago

Realize your dream to bonk a fauna infused animal with a comically large wooden wallet in EA and Koei Tecmo?s…

Square Enix wants us to know that Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion is “More than a Remaster”

2 years ago

Fresh new media shows off the HD visuals, updated combat system, newly arranged soundtrack and more!

RPG Time: The Legend of Wright review for Nintendo Switch, PC, Xbox, PlayStation

2 years ago

Very, very charming and very, very grating.

Nintendo eShop Update – Pok?mon Scarlet/Violet, Just Dance 2023, Finding Paradise

2 years ago

Start prepping for the biggest, open world Pok?mon adventure yet! And a whole lot of other releases too.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (multiplayer) review for PC, PlayStation, Xbox

2 years ago

Some small issues that should hopefully see fixes, but otherwise a good new entry into the series' multiplayer.

Super Heroes clash with Saiyans in the latest Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 DLC packs

2 years ago

This game's lifespan can rival Shenron's.

Dorfromantik review for Nintendo Switch, PC

2 years ago

Isn?t it (Dorf)romantik?

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