Attention Steam players your personalized Year in Review... err.. Steam Replay is now live.
A brick breaker on steroids…that actually has less brick breaker than its predecessor.
If the combo of Hironobu Sakaguchi and Nobuo Uematsu doesn’t move you to at least try the demo…I don’t know…
The video game anthology series gets a sequel as the second batch of episodes are made available to the public.
Get a terrifying final look at the upcoming Alien VR release.
Fitness for console gamers has been fully realized…finally.
The other games in the collection get some fine tuning to keep them fresh.
I miss the days when strategy guides were the norm.
Jeff the Land Shark haters might want to hibernate during this update.
'Tis the Season to pick out some great gifts for gamers, collectors, tech lovers and more!
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