Casey’s arrival also brings a new route the testudine quartet can traverse in their quest to save their Master Splinter from Shredder and his mysterious otherworldly ally. However this route won’t be a cakewalk as it is home to the punk frogs, a group of mutant amphibians who have been standing in your way. In addition to the new character and biome, this update also adds new artifacts and glimmering portals which can modify your playthrough and allow you to reap more rewards if you successfully complete your run.
The DLC is available now for $6.99 on PC and Switch. It should also be available for the Apple Arcade version of the game at no extra cost .
If you wish to learn more about this content drop and what’s in store for the game in the future, feel free to read through the blog post posted at Super Evil Megacorp’s website.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate is available now on PC, Switch and Apple Arcade.
TMNT Splintered Fate – Casey Jones & the Junkyard Jam DLC Launch Trailer
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