The Angry Video Game Nerd 8-bit will take the nerd into the digital world as he needs to run, jump and shoot his way across many challenging levels with enemies from his past hot on his trail. The color palette and feature set will be accurate to the 8 bit games of yore…in fact the team will even put physical versions of this game on actual NES cartridges with the help of their partners at Limited Run Games (Who are from North Carolina…but that’s within driving distance to Pennsylvania.).
If you want to be the first to experience this actual throwback title, I hope you have tickets to the very sold out MAGFest. The game will make an appearance at the MAGFest Indie Video Game Showcase where you can demo the game in the replica of the Nerd’s room! Hopefully this set replica will be free of fecal matter.
The Angry Video Game Nerd 8-bit tests your skills and resolve when it arrives on PC, Switch, Xbox, PlayStation and the Nintendo Entertainment System in Q2 2025.
Angry Video Game Nerd 8-bit – Announcement Trailer
Angry Video Game Nerd 8-bit screens:
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