Additionally, Square Enix dropped off a new video that breaks down the PC graphics Low, Medium, and High presets and additional footage.
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Discover and compare how the PC version of FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH looks on different PC setups. With a wide variety of performance modes available, the game can be played comfortably on Minimum, Recommended, or Ultra specs.
FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH, the second game of the FINAL FANTASY™ VII REMAKE project, is coming to PC on January 23rd, 2025. Nominated at The Game Awards 2024 for Game of the Year, the PlayStation 5 version which was launched in February 2024 has enjoyed acclaim with over 110 perfect scores.
After escaping from the dystopian city of Midgar, Cloud and his friends set out on a journey across the planet. New adventures await in a vibrant and vast world – sprint across grassy plains on a Chocobo and explore expansive environments.
#FF7RNew players wishing to experience the FINAL FANTASY VII remake project so far can pre-order the Twin Pack, which also includes FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE, the graphically enhanced and expanded version of FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE.
To wrap up 10 years of Goat Sim things, Coffee Stain North has planned a…
Here I am still waiting for the shoe to drop on the Christiano Ronaldo collaboration.
The Reigning, Defending and Undisputed Championship Wrestling Game Franchise is Back.
We bet the program will have a really creative name.
I learned today that TeeTurtle was more than t-shirts.
So…there’s not a snowflake’s chance in hell this game will be released in China especially…
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