The title which covers the Bleach storyline up to it’s Arrancar Arc will have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to the character it can select to add to it’s roster. We’ve seen perennial favorites like Tōshirō Hitsugaya, Kenpachi Zaraki and Byakuya Kuchiki make the roster, however the reveals don’t stop coming as Bandai Namco has announced even more characters recently capping off with Nelliel Tu Odelschawanck, the adult form of the child-like hollow who eschewed power to live a more simpler life that Ichigo and friends met in their journey.
As you can see each character utilizes vastly different styles and are quite formidable in their own right. When pushed to the brink they all utilize techniques which can help turn the tide of battle, be it Shikai or Bankai for the Shinigami or Resurrección for the Aracanar. So don’t think all is lost when your opponent has put you on the back foot, because you can always as the game puts it…Reverse Fate!
The title is the first major Bleach console game since 2011’s Bleach: Soul Resurrección and it will have the distinction of being the first non-mobile based game to appear on PC, so the fan expectations are high and as long as we get a robust roster I believe the fandom will be quite satisfied (Now if we can only get a game that covers the Thousand Year Blood War…come on people give me controllable Quincies!).
Bleach Rebirth of Souls will arrive on PC, the Xbox Series X|S and the PlayStation 5 sometime in the future.
BLEACH Rebirth of Souls — Soi Fon Character Trailer
BLEACH Rebirth of Souls — Renji Abarai Character Trailer
BLEACH Rebirth of Souls — Izuru Kira Character Trailer
BLEACH Rebirth of Souls — Nelliel Character Trailer
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