Tokyo Game Show is set to start on Wednesday September 25th and Arc System Works announced that their latest entry in the long running Double Dragon franchise will be present and playable on the show floor.
That’s right from show start ’til it’s end on Sunday the 29th, attendees can visit the Arc System Works booth 08-C10 to try out Double Dragon Revive. Take control of Either Billy and Jimmy and do what they do best…bring peace back to the streets, one punch at a time. After the demo attendees can also fill out a questionnaire to earn an exclusive button and enjoy stage shows throughout the course of TGS.
In addition to its presence at TGS, Arc System Works also released a new trailer (although in Japanese only) showing gameplay, combat mechanics and some of the elite members of the Shadow Warriors, the gang whose machinations are terrorizing the colony where the Lee brothers reside.
Double Dragon Revive is set soar on PC, Xbox Series X|S and the PlayStation platform sometime next year.
ダブルドラゴン リヴァイヴ』TGS2024ゲーム紹介トレーラー
Double Dragon Revive screens:
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