Pepper, a swashbuckling pirate is washed ashore on a mysterious island due to a freak storm and to add insult to injury her precious plunder was pilfered by the horned locals known as the Narglings. With little on her person and the hopes of retrieving her booty looking bleak, she runs into a drill named Grinder that will empower her to take back what she rightly stole in this challenging platforming title!
Pepper Grinder is now available on the PlayStation and Xbox for $14.99 and it is also available on the PC and the Switch at the same price point.
Pepper Grinder | Out Now on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One
I guess Mike Shinoda occasionally played guitar.
Looks like Robosen's found some more transformation cogs.
Will we see a HYTE collaboration out of this one…cause Braden needs a new PC…
There’s a reason Nintendo closed a Direct with a news app.
Is no one going to center the signboard in these images?
Here’s hoping we’ll get an add on or an addendum with the Parodius games.
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