Releasing on October 24th, 2024, Yakuza Kiwami is the story that begins the saga of the Yakuza franchise and Kazama Kiryu. Featuring excellent action combat, a deep and compelling story about Kiryu’s return to regular life and the depths of Japan’s criminal underworld, you’ll confront rival gangs, experience a myriad of side content, and unlock new abilities as you progress. From bare-knuckle brawls, throwing flying drop kicks, and wielding makeshift weapons from random objects on the street, witness Kiryu’s climb to become the Dragon of Dojima in a stellar crime thriller action game.
As for the rest of the Yakuza franchise and story, only time will tell whether Ryu Ga Gotoku and SEGA will bring the others to the Nintendo Switch. I’d like to stay optimistic and think we’ll see more of the PS3/PS4 era Yakuza games making their way to the platform!
Yakuza Kiwami – Nintendo Direct: Partner Showcase 8.27.2024
Yakuza Kiwami Switch screens:
As rumored, the Forza Horizon series is finally expanding beyond Xbox consoles.
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I can’t believe I used the word “sus”...I feel so dirty.
The platform also reveals their Dreamlist initiative which will chart the course.
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