Mecha Break will be playable on the show floor of Gamescom, both at its own booth and the Xbox booth situated in Hall 9.01 at booth A-018-B-021. For those who can’t make the trip to Germany fret not, as the game will run its first Xbox closed beta test this Sunday to Tuesday from 7:00 PM PT / 10:00 PM ET on the 25th until 11:59 PM PT / 2:59 AM ET on the 27th. It’s not known if the only requirement is to have an Xbox with Xbox Live or does it require registration (Editor’s Note 8/22/24: It does require registration and you can sign up HERE.). Nonetheless I somehow won’t be able to make this one as well as I will be traveling during most of the beta…woe is me.
Mecha Break will be coming to PC and the Xbox Series X|S sometime in 2025.
Mecha BREAK – 6V6 Mecha Mayhem Trailer | Gamescom ONL 2024
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