With the recent release of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy, North American Switch owners can now finally play through all of the mainline Ace Attorney entries, which is a great thing. It’s a fantastic series from Capcom, and I’m happy to see them finally bring this collection to the West. While your love of the three entries included here may vary a bit, I’d say all three games are worth playing, whether you were already a fan of the series or just wanted to see what all the fuss is about. It might be a little awkward story-wise if you jump in here, but I don’t think new players will struggle too much as the introduction of attorney Apollo Justice does make for a pretty solid entry point.
The other two entries, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice are both originally from the Nintendo 3DS, and feature 3D character models and animated cutscenes, a departure from the DS releases which still used pixels to render the courtroom drama. While I think I prefer the pixel-based artwork, the transition to the 3D isn’t too jarring, and the animations are still pretty well done. The animated cutscenes are a great addition though, adding some flair to each story and case.
Note: Capcom provided us with an Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy Switch code for review purposes
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy for Nintendo Switch
Price: $42.93
18 used & new available from $38.95
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