One half of the braintrust behind Pressed for Time, Benny was so smitten with the title that it holds the distinction of being the the second title he has “Platinium’d” Sony’s platform (The first being Spider-Man 2…look no one said he was a thorough gamer.). So it was fortuitous that he was able to sit down to talk to the Director/Art Director of the title title, Stefano Guglielmana to learn about how the title came together, the future and various other topics. I’m not really gonna drone on and summarize the interview, just check out the embedded video below and give the video a view or two! When you’re done, why not check out Benny’s full thoughts on the title.
Cookie Cutter is available now on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.
An Exclusive Interview with Director/Artist of Cookie Cutter, Stefano Guglielmana:
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