Karai, who debuted in the original comic in 1992, and has appeared in various other incarnations of TMNT didn’t actually show up in the beloved animated show which ran from 1987 to 1996. She’s often depicted as a high ranking member of the Foot clan and the daughter of the Shredder, however in Shredder’s Revenge she’s an ex-member of the Foot Clan. She’ll be putting the hurt on her former allies with a Kunai attached to a chain and moves which seem to originate from the SNES fighting game, TMNT Tournament Fighters! Dimension Shellshock will also feature new music from the game’s composer Tee Lopes and if it’s anything like what he contributed to the base title, I’m sure the tracks will be head boppers!
TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge is currently available on PC, Switch, the PlayStation and Xbox Platforms. The Dimension Shellshock DLC will arrive on August 31st and will cost $7.99.
TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge – Dimension Shellshock DLC | Available August 31:
Visit https://www.shredders-revenge.com/ to buy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge and wishlist Dimension Shellshock DLC.
A multiversal melee awaits! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge – Dimension Shellshock DLC is coming on August 31 on PC via Steam, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.
Show off your ninja skills with fan-favorite Karai joining the fight! Catch a glimpse of the Foot Clan’s fiercest fighter as she charges enemies with lightning-fast moves alongside her four favorite Turtles. Karai joins the razor-sharp Miyamoto Usagi, star of the Usagi Yojimbo comic book series. With both at your side there’s no stopping the Turtles as they kick, punch and party their way across the various new worlds in Dimension Shellshock’s Survival Mode.
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