Final Fantasy VII Rebirth finally takes the action outside of Midgar as remnants of Avalanche chase a man long thought to be dead, Sephiroth. The trailer shows vast fields of greenery, and the town of Junon whose massive cannon was an iconic part of the original game’s print ad campaign. We also get to see the (re-)introduction of Elena, a member of the Turk, joining Rude and Reno as they continue to pursue Cloud and the gang. The game is scheduled for an early 2024 release and is so voluminous that it will come on two Blu-ray Discs (zero, if you’re digital…but you better have a large hard drive!).
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth screens:
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth – Summer Game Fest 2023 Trailer:
While the former closed out the show, Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis also revealed that it will be taking registrations for closed beta that will be taking place July 6th to the 13th on Android and iOS. I’m genuinely fascinated to see if this will be a must play for those looking to dive deeper into the world of Final Fantasy VII and whether or not it will have longer legs than “The First Soldier”.
Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis screens:
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Ever Crisis | Summer Game Fest 2023 Trailer:
Nonetheless it seems if you’re a fan of Final Fantasy VII, you’re gonna be quite busy…now if only Square Enix gave Final Fantasy VI fans a fraction of the attention…
A little bit covered up, now these Lassplanes can finally leave the hanger!
Volcanion, along with Zacian and Zamazenta’s different forms await at these special summertime events!
If you can’t wake up the Nintendo way…why wake up at all?
Should we brace ourselves for another Josef Fares speech at this year’s The Game Awards…
Experience this duo of monumental RPGs once more on modern platforms.
The VR freestyle dancing title gets a fresh selection of new, modern tracks beginning today.
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