Sony set the bar high for Marvel’s Spider-Man games when the initial release launched on the PS4 back in 2018, and then showed how it could look and run even better when it was launched on PS5 in 2020. If you want to read up on opinions on Spider-Man in general, you can read our review from when it was released here. Two years later, Spider-Man is coming to PC. Lots of fast-paced movement and rapid height changes as you navigate the environment are surely a test of the abilities of any hardware. So how does it compare to the two previous console releases?
Very well, I’d say! Now, to be entirely fair, I am running Spider-Man Remastered on a Graphics Card that exceeds what’s in the PS5, so it’s not completely surprising that it runs smoothly. On my 3070, Spider-Man ran well enough around 60FPS at maxed-out graphics settings on 4K. It did have noticeable dips when moving too quickly, but decided it was best to settle for a lower resolution in exchange for a better experience. I ended up settling on 1440p with all settings maxed out including Ray-Tracing, and it was a beautiful game. A 3070 at this point is more than capable, and I didn’t notice any meaningful performance issues in my time with Spider-Man.
Spider-Man is as good as it’s ever been in this release. The entire game remains in-tact and exceptional in all rights. If you played the initial release on PS4, you may find surprise in the fact that the character model has changed for Peter, but this was also the case in the PS5 version. There weren’t any other changes or new content added here, although it does include all of the DLCs that came out over time, bundled in the standard purchase. These are end-game content, but you can skip right to them at any time.
If there’s anything in particular that I want to add here, it’s that you should ensure you have Spider-Man installed on an SSD. The speed at which you move through the world and the transitions of missions all but require that you don’t install Spider-Man onto an old hard drive. Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered is a grade-A game through and through, and as long as this release hasn’t changed anything (it hasn’t), it will remain that way.
Sony Interactive Entertainment provided us with a Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered PC code for review purposes.
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