While Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is a new IP from developer ArtPlay, everything about the game is designed to evoke PS1-era classic Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, but in the best way possible. Producer Koji Igarashi and the rest of ArtPlay have really done a great job of paying homage to the latter half of the 2D Castlevania library with Bloodstained, while adjusting for modern-era graphics and design. It?s not a flawless experience, the PS4 version that I played had some definite technical issues for instance, but by and large this is the game that I wanted when Bloodstained was originally announced, and it?s been an absolute joy to play through over the past couple of weeks.
Players take control of Miriam, a ?Shardbinder? that has the ability to absorb the shards of various demons she encounters. Much like the ability system from Symphony of the Night, most enemies you encounter can drop shards that give Miriam various abilities. These range from active attacks that?ll deplete your MP bar, or more passive abilities like bonus XP, improved stats, and so on. Defeating enemies will gain experience for Miriam, allowing her to level up and get slightly stronger as you advance through the game. Miriam also has a host of weapons at her disposal, either crafted or found as drops off of enemies or chests, and overall the crafting system is fairly robust with lots of materials and recipes/blueprints to find. Miriam can even craft food, which will replenish her health and provide even more useful stat boosts upon first consumption.
As I mentioned earlier, the only real issue I?ve had with Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, comes from the performance end of things. On the surface this isn?t a game that would appear to be taxing to modern hardware, but there are definite points where the game noticeably struggles to maintain a steady framerate. There?s a boss fight towards the end of the game that drops into single digits consistently, and occasionally the game will freeze up for a few seconds after killing an enemy, in a way that always felt like it was on the verge of crashing. This doesn?t happen often enough to be too distracting, but you?ll likely still encounter these issues here and there.
Note: 505 Games provided us with a Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night PS4 code for review purposes.
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