Season 2 for EA and Respawn Entertainment?s free-to-play battle royale title Apex Legends launched last week, bringing with it a new character, map changes, a reworked Battle Pass system, daily and weekly challenges, and ranked leagues. This season is dubbed Battle Charge, which seems appropriate, as Respawn is clearly looking to recharge players excitement with the reworks and new content being introduced here. Overall, it?s certainly a step up from the first season, and indicates that Apex Legends has a promising future ahead of it.
One of the bigger additions here is new character Natalie ?Wattson? Paquette, who brings unique electrical abilities to the fray that can help wall off opponents and defend set points on the map. Her ultimate ability deploys an Interception Pylon that emits an area of effect field capable of slowly recharging shields, while also taking down enemy ordinance, like grenades and bombardments. Her passive allows her to completely refill her ultimate meter when using the consumable Ultimate Accelerant, useful since she can deploy multiple Interception Pylons. Finally, her cooldown ability consists of tossing down electrical fence posts that connect to one another, allowing you to create a perimeter that will damage and slow enemies, and ping when an enemy passes through the fencing. Wattson certainly feels unique compared to most, and has a mix of abilities that seem useful throughout a match.
Another map change comes from two new zones replacing two other zones on the map. The biggest change is the new ?The Cage? area, which consists of a large, multi-leveled building with different access points, an open ceiling, different grapple lines and so on. It?s one of the biggest structures in the game for sure, and I?ve seen a number of firefights culminate there already.
Again, Season 2?s content so far feels like a pretty big improvement over the first, and provides a perfect excuse to dive back in to Apex Legends. The new character, reworked Battle Pass, and map changes have certainly been enough to get me hooked again. So if you haven?t played around Kings Canyon in a while, you should certainly consider revisiting Apex Legends in the near future.
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