Wubba lubba dub dub!!! How else could I start a Rick and Morty video game review? In just three short seasons, Rick and Morty has become one of the biggest shows on TV. Fans will be waiting some time for new episodes (hopefully not too long as announced recently; a new deal of 70 episodes was confirmed) but fortunately for us, is here to help alleviate the waiting. Outside of mobile games, this is the first video game to feature a Plumbus? I mean Rick and Morty. Justin Roiland (the show?s creator) is a big gamer as you can tell from the show and his social media accounts, so he decided to go all in with the VR craze (fad), even starting his own studio. While it?s incredible to feel like you’re in this cartoon world, especially as a huge fan, there still are some drawbacks.
Let me give you some background on where I stand with PSVR. I have only owned my PSVR since December of 2017, when the prices dropped. I don?t see the VR trend as anything more than that, it?s an antisocial experience and it can?t be played for extended periods of time. Having said those negatives, I have really enjoyed my time with the PSVR in the past 5 months. Is it the future of gaming? No, it?s not, and I think that?s been all but decided by the lack of releases and new titles in development. However, is it an awesome way to immerse yourself into some of your favorite worlds or stories? Absolutely! Let?s just say this up front? Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality is my favorite PSVR title thus far (well, tie with Arkham VR).
The impact of Justin Roiland and the team of fans that were part of the development is immediately evident upon starting up the game. Unfortunately, like many VR titles, the game isn?t very long; it?s actually very short and can be completed in a little over an hour. Worry not Mr. Poopybutthole, there are plenty of hidden easter eggs to find and areas to squanch. With such a short story, it?s not something which I really want to spoil any aspects. I will say that you play the role of a Morty clone doing grandpa Rick?s tasks and along the way you?ll release Meeseeks (which are called Youseeks), go through portals, and even help Jerry with some hemorrhoids. Fans of the show will not be disappointed and if they haven?t already laid out some schmeckles and picked up the game (the game has been on the Oculus and Vive for a year), it?s probably a safe bet to grab it now.
Virtual Rick-ality looks, sounds and plays exactly how you would expect a VR game set in the Rick and Morty universe to. Despite the show only being on for 3 seasons, the universe is already pretty large with plenty of fan theories, it?s just a tiny (Rick) bit disappointing how short and limited this title is. As a die hard I would kill, Krombopulos Michael style, for a Rick and Morty RPG in line with the South Park series. For now, if you own a PSVR and consider yourself a part of the council of Ricks, this is a must buy. If you’re not a huge fan, this review made almost absolutely no sense to you and the $30 price point is a real tough Simple Rick to swallow.
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