Pok?mon Crystal is scheduled for a January 26th, 2018 for $9.99 and will be compatible with the Pok?mon Bank, thus allowing players to transfer their Crystal caught monsters over to the newer titles, including Ultra Sun and Moon.
See some screens and the announcement below.
Pok?mon Crystal 3DS screens:
When it launched in Japan 17 years ago, Pok?mon Crystal introduced many new and exciting elements to the beloved Pok?mon franchise. The game, an expanded version of the popular Pok?mon Gold and Pok?mon Silver games, was the first in the Pok?mon franchise to allow players to choose between a boy or girl playable character, as well as being the first game to introduce animations during Pok?mon battles.
Now this groundbreaking game is coming to Nintendo eShop on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems on Jan. 26 for only $9.99.*
On the day it launches, Pok?mon Crystal will also be compatible with Pok?mon Bank, a paid service that lets players bring select Pok?mon from classic core games to the newest core games in the series. With the addition of Pok?mon Crystal to this service, it is now possible for players to bring Pok?mon from all 29 core games in the series to Pok?mon Ultra Sun and Pok?mon Ultra Moon.
In this version of Pok?mon Crystal, players will also have the chance to encounter the mythical Pok?mon Celebi in an event after completing the game. In the original Pok?mon Crystal game, Celebi could only be obtained by using a special accessory.
As with the Nintendo eShop editions of Pok?mon Gold and Pok?mon Silver, Pok?mon Crystal will take advantage of the wireless communication capabilities of the Nintendo 3DS family of systems, allowing players to enjoy Link Trades and Link Battles with each other. With the Time Capsule feature, players can even trade and battle Pok?mon from Pok?mon Red, Pok?mon Blue and Pok?mon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition, which are all also available in Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS.
Fans also have the option to play Pok?mon Crystal on a New Nintendo 2DS XL system that resembles an iconic Pok? Ball. The Pok? Ball Edition New Nintendo 2DS XL system can be purchased in stores at a suggested retail price of $159.99. (The Pok?mon Crystal game and Pok? Ball Edition New Nintendo 2DS XL system are sold separately.)
For more information about Pok?mon Crystal, visit https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-crystal-version-3ds.
*Pok?mon Crystal for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems is only playable in 2D.
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