According to Facebook post this morning, Nintendo will be opening up pre-orders for the Super NES Classic Edition later this month and the company seems to promise that there will be plenty of stock to go around on launch day and through the end of the year.
At this point, consumers are becoming conditioned to just buy first and ask questions later when it comes to Nintendo hardware, so we’ll see how that works out. We’re hoping for the best.
We appreciate the incredible anticipation that exists for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System: Super NES Classic Edition system, and can confirm that it will be made available for pre-order by various retailers late this month.
A significant amount of additional systems will be shipped to stores for launch day, and throughout the balance of the calendar year.
I guess Mike Shinoda occasionally played guitar.
Looks like Robosen's found some more transformation cogs.
Will we see a HYTE collaboration out of this one…cause Braden needs a new PC…
There’s a reason Nintendo closed a Direct with a news app.
Is no one going to center the signboard in these images?
Here’s hoping we’ll get an add on or an addendum with the Parodius games.
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