Check out the official trailer for the new installment below.
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier – Ep 3: Above the Law – Official Trailer:
Beginning Tuesday March 28th, players can download Episode 3: ‘Above the Law’ on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC/Steam, iOS, and Android-based devices. The episode will also download for all users of the special Season Pass disc for consoles, which includes the critically acclaimed two-part premiere episodes, and grants access to Episode 3 and all subsequent episodes in the five episode season for download as they become available.
After the shocking events of ‘Ties That Bind: Part Two’, Javier struggles to find a role in his newly reunited family. Meanwhile, tension within the walls of Richmond grow. Will Clementine and the rest of the group turn against Javier? It may be time to choose between the family you’re born into and the family you’ve made…
As usual, check back around then for our review!
To wrap up 10 years of Goat Sim things, Coffee Stain North has planned a…
Here I am still waiting for the shoe to drop on the Christiano Ronaldo collaboration.
The Reigning, Defending and Undisputed Championship Wrestling Game Franchise is Back.
We bet the program will have a really creative name.
I learned today that TeeTurtle was more than t-shirts.
So…there’s not a snowflake’s chance in hell this game will be released in China especially…
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