Along with a Gremlins Team Pack is the brand new Story Pack of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, an E.T. Fun Pack and a Sonic the Hedgehog Level Pack. The minifigures in each of these sets are brand new to the world of Lego, which makes them very attractive to players of Dimensions and fans who collect Lego. I have no idea how well Dimensions is selling, and based off the frequent sales I’m assuming not too well, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying these new sets. This wave has many of my old favorites in it and I also really enjoyed the Fantastic Beasts film, so Warner Bros. did everything right for me.
Since Warner Bros. has decided to continue with the original base game and just build off of it, I would like to see online co-op play return in a future update. I believe the last Lego title that featured it was Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga (which isn’t so “complete” anymore). I don’t know why none of the games after it included the feature, but I think that Dimensions is a good opportunity for them to work it back in. Playing the open world of E.T., for example, with a friend that hasn’t picked up the E.T. Fun Pack might just sway him or her into buying it. I digress from talking about this release, but thought I would be doing myself an injustice by not mentioning it. Many developers and publishing houses read Gaming Age, so maybe this would get through to them. I cover most Lego releases and I haven’t done enough justice to this missing feature.
All and all this new Lego Dimensions wave is great for many different age demographics and is also steal for Lego minifigure collectors. Fantastic Beasts… should appeal to all the Harry Potter fans of the books and films, while Gremlins and E.T. is more intriguing to kids of the 80’s (like myself) that grew up watching those movies. Sonic’s surprising appearance is for gamers who miss the hedgehog of 20 years ago and his side scrolling antics (also look forward to next year’s Sonic Mania, if this speaks to you). Next on the release schedule is a Story Pack for the Lego Batman Movie which releases in February of 2017. The Fun Packs, Team Packs and Level Packs that will be released with it have not yet been confirmed. Like the first wave of year two (link to article) I have included a quick unboxing of wave 2 along with a time lapse video with the build of the Fantastic Beasts… portal set. Expecto Patronum!
Lego Dimensions: Year 2 unboxing, impressions (part 2):
Check back soon for more coverage.
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