As for the “free” updates, which are scheduled to go live in the somewhat near future, the studio revealed some details as highlighted below (via the Star Wars Battlefront blog).
The upcoming Star Wars Battlefront – Bespin expansion (for season pass owners) will offer 4 new maps which take place across familiar Bespin locations such as Cloud City and the carbonite chamber. Lando Calrissian and the bounty hunter Dengar join the hero/villains roster, and there will be more Star Cards and blasters, and a new game mode too.
A little bit covered up, now these Lassplanes can finally leave the hanger!
Volcanion, along with Zacian and Zamazenta’s different forms await at these special summertime events!
If you can’t wake up the Nintendo way…why wake up at all?
Should we brace ourselves for another Josef Fares speech at this year’s The Game Awards…
Experience this duo of monumental RPGs once more on modern platforms.
The VR freestyle dancing title gets a fresh selection of new, modern tracks beginning today.
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