God of War III Remastered PS4 coming in July

God of War III Remaster 7God of War III Remaster 7To celebrate God of War’s 10th Birthday, Sony has officially announced that God of War III is getting the remastered treatment for the PlayStation 4.

The PS4 port, which is scheduled to be released on July 14th, is being produced by Sony Santa Monica Studios (via the PS Blog), though we don’t know who is actually handling the development.  So far, we have confirmation of 1080p resolution and “silky smooth combat” (targeting 60fps apparently), along with an all new photo mode.

Check out a selection of screens of the PS4 version below along with the first trailer. If you haven’t been already, make sure to check out the God of War series speedrun that’s going on live right now.

God of War III Remastered trailer:
[youtube_sc url=”WiVk9EKdjq4″]

God of War III Remastered PS4 screens:

Paul Bryant

Staff Writer

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