In a press conference earlier today, Nintendo spent a majority of its time detailing a partnership with DeNA. One interesting bit of information surfaced, which was the confirmation and project name for their next generation of hardware, currently code-named the “NX”:
Iwata? As proof that Nintendo maintains strong enthusiasm for the dedicated game system business, let me confirm that Nintendo is currently developing a dedicated game platform with a brand-new concept under the development codename ?NX.? It is too early to elaborate on the details of this project, but we hope to share more information with you next year.
The “NX” project was referenced again, in regards to a successor to Club Nintendo which would be based on a universal infrastructure:
Iwata? Nintendo, together with DeNA, will jointly develop a new membership service which encompasses the existing Nintendo 3DS and Wii U systems, the new hardware system with a brand-new concept, NX, and smart devices and PCs, and Nintendo will be the primary party to operate this new membership service. Unlike the Club Nintendo membership service that Nintendo has been operating, the new membership service will include multiple devices and create a connection between Nintendo and each individual consumer regardless of the device the consumer uses. This membership will form one of the core elements of the new Nintendo platform that I just mentioned.
Information on the Nintendo next-gen “NX” hardware and the DeNA partnership can be found below.
Full translated text and accompanying slides available here:
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