Assassin’s Creed Unity – Dead Kings, which is an extension of the single-player campaign, will be released for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC next week on January 13th for the low, low price of… free.
Take a look at some screens and the trailer.
[youtube_sc url=”Pi58rAP0Bu8″]
Today, Ubisoft announced that Assassin?s Creed Unity – Dead Kings, the downloadable campaign that continues Arno?s story after the events of Assassin?s Creed Unity, will be available for free to all purchasers of Assassin?s Creed Unity on next-gen consoles and Windows PC on January 13, 2015.
After the events of Assassin?s Creed Unity, Arno leaves Paris for Saint Denis, a mysterious city that holds the crypts of deceased French kings. Sent on a mission to the extensive underground of the Basilica, Arno will face a faction of new foes, the Raiders, populating its catacombs. Equipped with a lantern and a new powerful weapon, the Guillotine gun, Arno will have to navigate the dangerous passageways to uncover the darkest secrets of the city.
In addition to a fully-fledged main single-player campaign, Assassin?s Creed Unity – Dead Kings also offers new open world activities and side missions, including Murder Mysteries, enigmas and cooperative missions. Both single-player and cooperative modes enable players to unlock new weapons, gear and outfits that carry over between Assassin?s Creed Unity and Assassin?s Creed Unity – Dead Kings.
For more information on Assassin?s Creed, please visit:, and
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