If you guessed that developing the game involved motion capture actors getting tossed around every day… you’d be right!
Check out episode 2 below.
The Making of WWE 2K15: Episode 2:
[youtube_sc url=”gvBrlCfmdnw”]
WWE 2K15 hits consoles on November 18th.
To wrap up 10 years of Goat Sim things, Coffee Stain North has planned a…
Here I am still waiting for the shoe to drop on the Christiano Ronaldo collaboration.
The Reigning, Defending and Undisputed Championship Wrestling Game Franchise is Back.
We bet the program will have a really creative name.
I learned today that TeeTurtle was more than t-shirts.
So…there’s not a snowflake’s chance in hell this game will be released in China especially…
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