It?s rare that a spin-off manages to outdo the franchise that spawned it, but when Forza Horizon launched on the Xbox 360 in 2012, it did just that. As good as the Forza series had been up to that point, Forza Horizon was like a breath of fresh air that I didn?t even realize the series needed. It was fun both online and off, featuring a beautifully rendered open world that any racing game enthusiast could enjoy. Thankfully, the same can be said of the sequel with Forza Horizon 2 on Xbox One.
Just like the original, Playground Games has crafted a beautiful world for you to compete in. The Horizon Festival featured in the game consists of six locations, with varied terrain to drive across as you compete in an incredible number of events with a massive host of toys at your disposal. You can rip across farmland, weave in and out of dense woodland, drift across dirt roads, and navigate through oncoming traffic on city streets. The overall scope of Forza Horizon 2 is huge, with over 300 unique roads to travel down, and over 700 events to compete in. Needless to say, you?ll be able to spend dozens upon dozens of hours competing and exploring here.
While racing or exploring, performing certain activities will net you points that can then be used to purchase perks. So actions like getting air, drifting, narrowly avoiding traffic, and racing clean can be chained together, with each action earning points that are further multiplied by quickly chaining these actions together. Unlockable perks can provide discounts for new vehicles and tuning, permanent experience point gains for completing races, expanded fast-travel options, and much more. It becomes worth it to avoid opponents, as smashing into other vehicles or inanimate objects can cause you to lose a chain and all the points that come with it. Once you?ve felt the pain of losing 80,000 points due to reckless driving, you?ll quickly make the effort to become a more conscientious driver.
Outside of the vast amount of content, another big feather in Forza Horizon 2?s cap is how damn beautiful this world looks. Draw distance is incredible, environment pop-in is kept to a minimum, and the weather effects are stunning. Driving haphazardly through fields at night in the rain is a sight to see, and there?s nary a technical hiccup to be found. It?s a fantastic accomplishment for Playground Games, and helps a lot when it comes to providing that immersive feeling that so many video games strive for.
Forza Horizon 2 also features two online modes, Roadtrip and Free Roam. Roadtrip works much like the single-player side of the game, where you can open your game up for other players, or enter the game of another. All players within the game world can then compete in championship events, with the winner dictated by the number experience points gained. Again, this emphasizes skill and clean driving more than brute-forcing your way across the finish line first, which I thought was an interesting approach. Free Roam allows you to explore the world and initiate random events for everyone to participate in. These are one-off events, not tied to any specific location or championship, taking on a more exhibition-like style of gameplay. You can pick the vehicle-class, and then often choose from a handful of vehicles that fit that class. There?s a hefty number of events to choose from, and Free Roam ended up being my preferred online experience for Forza Horizon 2.
Outside of that, I found Forza Horizon 2 to be stunning, and one of the best new-generation titles I?ve played this year, even outside of the racing genre. There?s so much content packed into this game that I could easily continue to play and see new things weeks after this review is posted. And the the world crafted by Playground Games is so fun to explore, I certainly wouldn?t mind doing just that. Even if you just have a passing interest in racing games, you really owe it to yourself to check out Forza Horizon 2.
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