The new #MyClementine trailer (embedded below) wraps up the previous 4 episodes to an extent, so make sure you’re all caught up before hitting play.
As for release dates, here we go:
Take a look at the trailer and read on for more info from Telltale.
The Walking Dead: Season 2 “No Going Back” trailer:
[youtube_sc url=”0zKaWvBLBhI”]
Today we would like to share the official trailer and release dates for ‘No Going Back,’ the final episode of The Walking Dead: Season Two – A Telltale Games Series.
This trailer includes a special all-new scene just for the trailer and some MAJOR spoilers for previous episodes in the past two seasons, but contains no spoilers for the upcoming season finale.
As this season comes to a close and you reflect on Clementine’s journey thus far, we ask you to consider: Who will YOU become?
The Walking Dead: Season Two Finale – ‘No Going Back’ will be available starting next week on these dates for the corresponding platforms:
August 26th: PC/Mac via Steam, the Telltale Online Store and other digital distribution services; on the PlayStation Store in North America (SCEA) for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita
August 27th: Xbox LIVE Marketplace for Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft; on the PlayStation Store in European territories (SCEE) for PlayStation 3and PS Vita
August 28th: Available as an in-app purchase within The Walking Dead: Season Two on the iOS App Store
Additional platform release dates for tablets, mobile, handheld, and micro-console devices are to be announced. Please stay tuned to @telltalegames on twitter for more updates as they become available.
The Walking Dead: Season Two’s final episode, ‘No Going Back,’ will be available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace and PlayStation Network for $4.99 USD individually, or as part of a season pass option including access to episodes as they are released. On PC/Mac, the episode will be available as part of a season pass, and also available on the iOS App Store as part of a season multi-pack, or for $4.99 USD as an in-app purchase within The Walking Dead: Season Two application.
The Walking Dead: Season Two – A Telltale Games Series – Episode 5: ‘No Going Back’ is rated ‘M’ (Mature) for Intense Violence, Blood and Gore, Sexual Themes, and Strong Language by the ESRB.
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