The second episode is titled “The Hunt” and it shows off the Prophet’s elite hunting skills as he stalks his CELL soldier prey through lush, overgrown NYC.
Take a look.
The 7 Wonders of Crysis 3 – Episode 2: “The Hunt”:
[youtube_sc url=”IU7LbkHpLZ8″ width=”600″]
In this “7 Wonders of Crysis 3” episode, Prophet prepares to take down an elite group of CELL soldiers — but he’s not the only thing that’s hunting.
No matter the target, Crysis 3’s Predator Bow has a tactical solution to any problem you may face in the Seven Wonders of the Nanodome. Directed by the acclaimed motion picture director Albert Hughes, “The 7 Wonders of Crysis 3” cinematic series showcases the stunning visuals, dynamic environments and the intense tactical warfare gameplay that’s featured in Crysis 3.
Crysis 3 is scheduled for a February 2013 release.
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