One of the best aspects about the Kid Icarus revival on the 3DS is that you can tell the team behind it really had their heart in the game. It just oozes charm and has an amazing level of detail to it, enough so that it will most likely win you over despite whether you love or hate the control scheme. And trust me when I say you will fall firmly into one of those two camps when it comes to the non-conventional controls used here.
Kid Icarus: Uprising sees the angel character Pit return to a full-fledged adventure for the first time in over two decades, since the Game Boy sequel to the NES original in 1991. Pit was more recently featured in another game developed by Uprising?s designer, Masahiro Sakurai, the ever popular man behind the Smash Bros. series. This led to constant speculation about the possibility of a Kid Icarus revival project, which was eventually unveiled as this title around the time the 3DS was announced.
The only real negative I?ll level at the title is that I do find the controls a little cumbersome, mostly when it comes to the on-foot sections of the game. Every stage is divided into two sections, an on air Space Harrier style rollercoaster that forces Pit along a path while you blast down bad guys that constantly pop up in your field of vision. The second half will see Pit on foot, offering up more control for the player but at the expense of a much slower pace.
The on-foot sections I find myself constantly struggling against, the added need to control the camera, in addition to having more direct control over Pit, feels cumbersome at best. Pit has the ability to dash in four directions on the ground, which will change up the style of his shots, making them more powerful or easier to lock on to targets. It?s a great idea but I?d often find myself dashing when I didn?t mean to, sometimes causing me to fall off of platforms or just force myself out of range of an intended shot. The camera control set-up, done by swiping against the screen with the stylus, forces you to sacrifice the ability to shoot for panning the camera around. There?s a small allowance here that lets you snap the camera behind Pit, but requires you to press the top right button the 3DS, which is almost useless while holding the stylus.
Besides my constant fumbling with the controls, there are a lot of positives to speak of here. The game is filled to the brim with content, from the single player mode to the surprisingly fun multiplayer matches. A lot of that content comes in the form of constant unlockables, Kid Icarus has a massive inventory of weapons that can be found in stages, earned as rewards, and then fused into newer and better weapons. There?s an adjustable 9 point scale for difficulty on every stage, and increasing that difficulty will net you better rewards, unlock additional rooms and bosses on stages, and increase the number of hearts used to buy even more weapons.
While Kid Icarus: Uprising does have a few shortcomings, overall it?s a great revival for a franchise I had little affection for in the first place. I was never a big fan of the NES title, so I wasn?t expecting much, but I?ve been pretty pleased with the experience so far. It looks great in motion and in 3D, the soundtrack is downright fantastic, and even the voice over work, featuring plenty of tongue in cheek banter between Pit, Palutena, and all of their foes, is literally top notch.
If you?re a 3DS owner you owe it to yourself to check this game out, even though its controls might not be your cup of tea. If nothing else I hope to see another, more refined attempt by Sakurai and company in the future, because this franchise definitely deserves to stick around a little longer.
I guess Mike Shinoda occasionally played guitar.
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Will we see a HYTE collaboration out of this one…cause Braden needs a new PC…
There’s a reason Nintendo closed a Direct with a news app.
Is no one going to center the signboard in these images?
Here’s hoping we’ll get an add on or an addendum with the Parodius games.
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